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William Anders, Former Apollo 8 Astronaut, Dies at 90


William Anders, a former astronaut who was part of the 1968 Apollo 8 crew, has died at the age of 90. Anders was the youngest astronaut in the crew and captured the iconic Earthrise photo, the first colored picture of the Earth.


Anders was born in Hong Kong in 1933. He graduated from the United States Naval Academy in 1955 and served as a fighter pilot in the United States Air Force. In 1963, he was selected for NASA's astronaut training program.

Apollo 8 Mission:

In December 1968, Anders joined astronauts Frank Borman and Jim Lovell on the Apollo 8 mission. The mission was the first to orbit the Moon, and Anders's Earthrise photo became one of the most iconic images in history.


After the Apollo 8 mission, Anders served as a member of the Apollo 11 backup crew. He retired from NASA in 1970 and worked in various positions in the aerospace industry. In 2018, he was inducted into the International Air & Space Hall of Fame.

Personal Life:

Anders was married to Valerie Hoard Anders for 65 years. They had three children: Alan, Glen, and Gayle. Anders died on June 7, 2024, at the age of 90.
