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The Purpose Of Great Lent

The Purpose of Great Lent

What is Great Lent?

Great Lent is a period of fasting and repentance that begins on Clean Monday and ends on Holy Saturday, the day before Orthodox Easter. It is the most important fasting period in the Eastern Orthodox Church, and it is a time for Christians to reflect on their sins and to prepare for the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Fasting during Great Lent

During Great Lent, Orthodox Christians abstain from eating meat, dairy, eggs, fish, and olive oil. They also abstain from drinking wine and other alcoholic beverages. This fasting is a way of sacrificing something that is enjoyable in order to show God that they are sorry for their sins. It is also a way of preparing their bodies and souls for the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The Great Fast

The Great Fast, also known as the Lenten Fast, is the most rigorous fasting period of the year. It begins on Clean Monday and ends on Holy Saturday. During this time, Orthodox Christians are not allowed to eat any food or drink from sunrise to sunset. They are only allowed to eat one meal each day, and that meal must be meatless.

Holy Week

Holy Week is the week leading up to Orthodox Easter. It is a time of intense prayer and reflection for Orthodox Christians. It begins on Palm Sunday and ends on Holy Saturday. On Palm Sunday, Orthodox Christians commemorate the triumphant entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. On Holy Saturday, they mourn the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ.

Orthodox Easter

Orthodox Easter is the most important feast day in the Eastern Orthodox Church. It celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Orthodox Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox. In 2024, Orthodox Easter will be celebrated on May 5th.


Great Lent is a time of sacrifice and repentance for Orthodox Christians. It is a time to reflect on their sins and to prepare for the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Great Fast is the most rigorous fasting period of the year, and it is a time when Orthodox Christians are called to make a special effort to live a life of holiness and humility.
